Spotlight on Feed-Based Editions
19 December 2022

Lucy Penn
Sales & Marketing Director
As we approach the end of 2022, we’re looking back at how our clients have been using feed-editions to not only offer their digital subscribers added-value, but also how they can be used to solve issues with early print deadlines, offer readers a print-like edition without producing print-ready PDFs and be used as a mechanism for transitioning print readers to digital…
Offering Added Value
In an effort to incentivize print readers to transition to their replica eEditions, some publishers have used our feed-based Edition toolset to create feed-based content that sits alongside their replica editions. These extra editions are often used to provide readers with additional content that has been specially curated to provide insight into special topics. For example, Atlanta Journal-Constitution creates feed-based editions that sit alongside their ePaper, these cover some of their newsletters, which provide regular afternoon, weekend, and evening updates for
their readers.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution combines these with additional digital only editions
that sit alongside their ePaper, these cover professional sports with their ‘After the Game’ editions, a weekly ‘Sports Insider’ edition, and other specialty topic editions.
Combating Early Print Deadlines
As the cost of print continues to rise, and print distribution sites close, publishers are faced with earlier print deadlines which means they can’t always get the most up-to-date news stories in their print-ready PDFs. To combat this for some of their publications, McClatchy has started to append print-ready PDFs with HTML-based pages using our feed-edition toolset. This enables them to create one larger eEdition which looks and feels like a print edition, but benefits from having the latest sports scores or election coverage from the late hours of the previous day. We’ve worked closely with McClatchy to ensure that the HTML pages have been designed to emulate their print pages so that their readers are delivered a consistent and familiar experience.
During the midterm elections this meant that McClatchy were able to include the latest news updates within their ePaper the very next morning, which was an incentive for readers to navigate towards the eEdition.
Replacing Print
Increasingly across the industry we’ve seen publishers either reducing print days or dropping print editions altogether, and instead, replacing them with digital feed-based editions. By replacing the print edition with a feed-based edition designed to emulate the look and feel of the traditional edition, readers are still being provided with that familiar experience and with the added benefit of being able to access it on their computer, mobile phone or tablet device at their convenience. We’ve been working with another of our clients to deliver digital print editions for a range of publications which recently went ‘digital only’. By mapping their web content to custom HTML templates we’re able to produce feed-based editions to completely replace the traditional print product.
For more information on feed-based Editions please email