Satisfying Your Subscribers
16 April 2021
Following a turbulent 12 months for the publishing industry, we’re seeing both newspaper and magazine brands accelerate their transition to digital, continue to implement techniques to transition print subscribers, and use audience insights to evolve their existing digital products to increase engagement and therefore, reader revenue.
Many publications face a difficult battle of trying to keep their existing readers happy, by including traditional print-replica editions, whilst attracting new subscribers who are used to consuming content within an ‘optimised’ edition or via a live news feed.
As a result, some publishers end up with a variety of different digital solutions, or multiple apps to cater to different reader needs, which can sometimes be confusing and dilute the effectiveness of their digital products.
In order for us to offer our clients the ability to cater to a variety of subscribers, we ensure our platform is highly flexible. This means that we enable our clients to launch an app that includes the following combinations;
- Editions [print replica or digital only]
- Editions + Live News [the app can lead with either module]
- Live News
To fully utilise the PageSuite platform, you could launch a 2-in-1 app that includes your latest print-replica editions, alongside your regularly updating live news content and you could also create one-off special editions based on content that already exists via our digital-only Edition solution. This is especially useful if you wanted to use your sports content to create a one-off edition for the World Cup or Super Bowl for example. From a reader’s point of view, they are receiving more value from their subscription, in a format that resonates more as a paid-for product.
Ultimately you are offering users more choice in how they consume your content. By integrating your app with Firebase, which is a standard integration with PageSuite, you can then generate in-depth audience insights to really analyse how your readers are consuming your content. This data can then be used to enable your editorial teams to make informed decisions based on how users are consuming content and utilising your app. See what topics are driving the highest engagement and use this data to structure your paywall or to prioritise content within the app.
Speak with the team to find out more, request a demo or download one of the following apps to see how other publishers are utilizing our platform;