Premium Advertising Options
12 February 2019

There are many additional features that a digital publishing solution offers that print editions simply can’t replicate. This includes a new toolset of advertising options, enabling new ways of engagement. Of course, PageSuite offers a number of standard display advertising options which can be found here. However, we also offer a number of premium advertising slots – below are a few of those options…
Left Hand / Page Zero Ad
This premium advertising slot is instantly viewable when the ePaper launches, providing excellent visibility to your readers. The advert option sits to the left of the publication’s front cover for maximum impact. The page zero advert allows publishers to utilise this space to upload an ‘image-based-advert’ viewable on desktop, tablet and mobile in landscape double page mode.
The below example showcases a partnership between publisher and advertiser where the advertiser is using an interactive advertisement to boost engagement in the zero page ad placement.
In-Flow Advertising
Another premium advertising slot that PageSuite has available are in-flow adverts. This advertising option appears amongst the flow of the edition and follows the same format as a standard page. In-flow advertisements also allow for a custom page count – Allowing you to select how often the advert appears within the publication.
Here is how the advert would display cross-device.
PageSuite offers a range of advertising options if you would like to discuss the various opportunities available feel free to leave a comment.