Mega Conference 2019 Review
6 March 2019
Last week PageSuite were in Las Vegas for the 2019 Mega Conference, giving the team a chance to catch up with clients and publishers from across the US and further afield.
Monday and Tuesday were packed full of sessions ranging from dealing with audience and subscriber management to augmented reality and driving revenue. There was a brilliant keynote address delivered by Terrence Egger from The Philadelphia Inquirer and plenty of time in-between to talk industry!
In particular, we were there to demo our latest ‘Edition’ solution, alongside our Replica and Live mobile apps and desktop solution. Our new Edition solution was really well-received with many delegates seeing the value it can provide in helping to create new revenue streams. We’re currently working with several launch partners and will be launching the first app on our Edition platform in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we have a feature-rich demo app which we’re happy to showcase now, so please get in touch to take a closer look.
With this year’s Mega Conference now over, we’re already looking ahead to our next event where we’re looking forward to catching up with many more old and new industry faces…
…next stop, INMA World Congress in New York on May 16th – 17th, hopefully we’ll see you there!